Research & Reports

  • 2024 Impact Report

    In 2024, we continued our mission of driving meaningful voting behavior in one of the most consequential election years in recent history. Through innovative digital campaigns, authentic influencer partnerships, and research-driven strategies, we empowered voters to take action on critical issues, including reproductive rights, climate justice, economic equity, and gun safety. By focusing on reaching values-aligned and first-time voters, we worked to amplify the voices of those driving progress and shaping the future we want to see.

  • 2023 Impact Report

    In 2023, we worked to mobilize voters who support reproductive freedoms, LGBTQIA+ rights, climate action, gun safety, closing the wealth gap, and a host of other vital social and environmental issues. We drove new voter registrations and activated voters in vital elections in crucial states.

  • 2022 Impact Report

    FGA was part of a powerful movement in the 2022 midterms that exceeded expectations for progressive values and raised youth turnout well above historical trend lines. Voter actions are FGA’s primary metric and we track the marginal cost of creating meaningful voting behavior. Partnering with hundreds of micro-influencers, we deliver authentic messages on voting, reproductive rights, climate, and more.

  • 2022 Digital Program Descriptive Analysis

    In the 2022 general election, Feel Good Action ran multiple campaigns on multiple platforms with a wide variety of messages and tactics. All campaigns were aimed at motivating voting behavior. After the election, The Analyst Institute matched FGA’s voter actions to the public voter record in all 50 states and performed an analysis to reveal methods and tactics that were most successful.

  • Pledge 2 Vote Denver, 2021

    Pledge-to-vote campaign in Denver, CO, tested the effect of digital “pledge to vote” (PTV) interventions on populations in various Denver zip codes.

    Influencer-made videos, as well as Feel Good Action designed graphics, were distributed as ads through Facebook, Instagram, and Parsec Media. Our goal was to determine whether voters who took a virtual “engagement” pledge prior to the election were more likely to follow through on that pledge and cast their ballot.

  • Pledge 2 Vote Washington State, 2021

    FUSE Washington and Feel Good Power (an FGA sister organization) tested the effect of digital “pledge to vote” (PTV) interventions on “low propensity voters” in seven various Washington state districts.

    Influencer-made videos, as well as Feel Good Power designed graphics, were distributed as ads through Facebook and Instagram. Our goal was to determine whether voters who were incentivized to sign a virtual pledge prior to the election were more likely to follow through on that pledge and cast their ballot.

  • 2020 in Review

    In a year where we faced hazards both inside (COVID-19) and outside (wildfires, hurricanes, and murder hornets, oh my!), with social inequities on full display, and featuring a racial justice movement that sparked action never seen before… there was an election. An election with the largest voter turnout in American history, and you were a part of it with us.

  • 2020 Digital Program Descriptive Analysis

    In the 2020 general election, Feel Good Action (then Feel Good Voting), ran organic and paid digital campaigns that motivated voters to take various voting actions, such as registering to vote or applying for a mail-in ballot. In this study, Analyst Institute matches FGA’s activations to the voter record in all 50 states, revealing methods and tactics that were most successful.

990 Tax Returns

Our 501c3 has filed three annual 990 reports with the IRS:

Our 501c3 990 report for 2023 is here.

Our 501c3 990 report for 2022 is here.

Our 501c3 990 report for 2021 is here.