Take Action in 2025 with FGA

With the start of a new year just around the corner, it’s a common time to reflect on where you are in life and where you may want to go. The New Year's Resolution is all about change and growth, seeking out to better yourself or contribute to a cause that you believe in. Whether you strive to learn a new skill, invest in your health, or build closer connections with loved ones, you are crafting new goals to work toward.

We are amidst this process at Feel Good Action, fine-tuning our strategies in digital activism to have even more impact, continuing to work with content creators who are trusted and relatable messengers, and expanding our engagement to have more meaningful conversations with a community-oriented mindset. The election may be over, but the work continues. It’s more important than ever for you to be involved.


We saw a surge of political activity among everyday Americans in the past year - more posts on social media, more watercooler chats at the office, and more heart-to-hearts at family gatherings. Now that the election has concluded, you may be tempted to fade that political focus to the back of your mind and pivot your thoughts to upcoming holidays or the changeover to the new year. 

I encourage you to take a moment to consider what a more politically active role looks like in your life. Maybe it’s something along the lines of joining your town’s leadership, volunteering at a local food pantry, choosing to post more activist content on your social media, or joining an advisory board for a community organization. If you seek to be more politically involved as a resolution in 2025, these are great stepping stones to continue the work you’ve already started.

The work you put in, no matter how small, can have an impact beyond your wildest imagination. As we wrap up the year, I want to spotlight two volunteers who did some much-needed research for Feel Good Action. Two retired librarians from California reached out, looking to become more involved as we neared the presidential election.

Their unique set of skills fit perfectly with our efforts to organize voter registration dates and early voting information in each state. With each state having its own regulations on voting, it can be tricky work; some states have different deadlines for in-person registration and online registration, some states have more strict expectations for absentee voting, and some states will have made changes since the last election. 

Right now, there are more than 1,800 bills across 44 different states that are attempting to reform voting laws. It is vital that voters have correct and up-to-date information. Task in hand, they spent a few hours each week combing through each state’s election website, double checking if any changes had been made since the last election, and reporting that information back to Feel Good Action. 


After a month’s worth of research, we had everything we needed to launch our voter information campaign, consisting of a detailed blog on early voting dates in each state, state-specific messaging on upcoming registration deadlines, and map infographics highlighting everything from different registration deadlines to voter identification laws. We posted these infographics on our social media pages, shared them with partner organizations, and advertised on search engines to get the word out.

The impact of these maps went beyond our expectations, racking up over 40 million impressions over the course of the few months before the election. Without the dedicated work of our volunteers, who looked to make a difference in any way they could, this wouldn’t have been possible. With their help through this research, this campaign helped activate thousands of voters in 2024. My deepest gratitude to you both, JT and BH. 


I now pose the question to you: what is stopping you from stepping up to make a difference? Getting involved in your neighborhood, in your community, or in political activism, no matter how big or small that involvement may be, can make a difference, even a bigger difference than what you think. I challenge you to think deeply about the issues you care about and how you can contribute to those causes. Whatever time, energy, or resources you may have, I am confident there is something you can do that can lend a helping hand. As we get ready to transition into 2025 and you reflect on what changes you want to make in your life, don’t be afraid to think big and take action. 

If you are interested in volunteering with Feel Good Action, please feel free to reach out to hailey@feelgoodaction.org 


Social Media Bans


Early Voting 2024