The SAVE Act is a Direct Attack on Voting Rights


The SAVE Act (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act) is being fast-tracked in Congress as a way to stop noncitizens from voting in federal elections.

Interestingly enough, noncitizens voting in US federal elections is already illegal and, time and time again, has been proven to be incredibly rare. A noncitizen who casts a ballot or attempts to register to vote faces the chances of jail time or possible deportation. 

Since there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud, what will this bill do? Experts say this bill will only create barriers for eligible voters.

The SAVE Act requires that voters who need to update their registration or who are voting for the first time will need to show IN PERSON proof of citizenship like a birth certificate or passport. 

There has been vague and conflicting information on whether drivers licenses or REAL IDs  would count as proof of citizenship since noncitizens can also obtain REAL IDs. Most sources agree that military IDs and tribal IDs alone wouldn’t cut it. While that might not sound completely out of the question upon first hearing, a Brennan Center study shows that millions of Americans don’t have easy access to citizenship documents. While approximately 51% of Americans now have a passport that means approximately 49% of Americans don’t. 

Let’s not forget that it costs money to get a passport or a certified copy of a birth certificate. Exercising your fundamental right to vote should never be a financial burden. 

Right now, you can register online (in most states), by mail, or at voter registration drives. But under the SAVE Act, voters would have to show their documents in person, essentially eliminating online and mail-in voter registration. 

Who would this impact the most? 

Naturalized Citizens, elderly and rural voters, marginalized communities, low-income voters, people in the military, the transgender community, people who have been impacted by climate change natural disasters and have lost access to these documents. Some worry that married women who have changed their last name (about 80% of women married to men take the man’s last name) will face additional hurdles in proving citizenship since their married name doesn’t match their birth certificate. Who knew that by not taking my husband’s last name, I may have helped secure my right to vote?

If we really want free and fair elections we need to lower the barriers to voting. The SAVE Act would only add further confusion and chaos without addressing more pressing issues of voter intimidation, voter suppression, and fears of foreign interference in our elections. 

Ways You Can Take Action

  • Speak Out - Contact your representatives and tell them to oppose the SAVE Act.

  • Check Your Voter Registration - Make sure your information is up to date and that you have the necessary documents at

  • Support Voting Rights Organizations - Groups like the ACLU and the Brennan Center for Justice are working to stop voter suppression laws like this one.

  • Spread the Word - Share this post and educate others about what is at stake.


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